Corner of Fyant and Bouch Streets, Arlee Montana
Open from 4th of July to Labor Day every other Saturday or by appointment.
The Museum also offers an extensive accumulation of valley wide obituaries, alphabetized for easy access. The display house is a separate modern building which provides a venue for revolving displays new each year. These displays run the gamut from Montana Immigrants, Cowboy Hall of Fame Inductees, Homesteaders, Loggers and current events.
Outdoor Veterans Memorial, memorabilia and display from area Veterans, Old Timers’ photographs
and much more.
The Arlee Jocko Valley Museum
Location: corner of Bouch & Fyant Street – 2 blocks off hwy 93 Arlee Montana
Open 10am–3pm July 4. Open by appointment,
call: 406-726-3167; 406-360-6250 or 406-249-4891
Specific appointments can be made by calling Alvaretta Morin 406-726-3167
Learn more about the Arlee/Jocko Valley Museum